Single lesson from the Your Move Series
An affordable resource for Feldenkrais teachers to promote their students’ learning
This movement exploration brings attention to breathing while doing simple movements. The student learns about how perceiving the breath can be used as a means of movement coordination. Supine 17 mins
Your Move is an educational resource, specifically created to assist you support students’ learning. Lessons contain one 15 to 20 minute movement exploration that focuses on a specific question related to a movement theme.
Included are written and graphic materials for the student, and you as their teacher. These are intended to complement the student’s experiential learning, and promote their conscious knowledge of the body’s design for movement.
A handbook containing information for both you and your student completes the Your Move resource. You can display it for students to browse through, and you can use it as a quick and handy reference to select appropriate explorations and guide a student’s learning.
The Your Move handbook includes information on the five different lessons in the series to which you can easily and quickly refer, enabling you to more effectively use the resource with your students.
The creator of the YOUR MOVE Series, Zoran Kovich, has over 30 years experience in the field of human movement and has a deep passion for learning and teaching. Drawing on his knowledge of Somatic Education systems, cognitive science, performing arts, education, social sciences, and martial arts, he creates practical lessons and workshops that meet people’s personal and professional needs and interests.
He conducts a Feldenkrais Method practice in Sydney, has taught in Feldenkrais training programs, and is a member of The Australian Feldenkrais Guild Inc. Drawing on 16 years teaching experience, Zoran has developed the YOUR MOVE CD Series as an educational resource Feldenkrais teachers can use to promote their students’ learning.
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