by Chava Shelhav
A pioneer in the Feldenkrais movement draws on her extensive experience to offer somatic education practitioners a new perspective on infant development.
When should my baby be walking? Should I worry if they are not talking yet? What can I do to help my baby in their development? Dr. Chava Shelhav draws on her forty years of experience in the Feldenkrais movement to offer answers using her holistic approach to child development for practitioners, parents, and caregivers. Child Space describes Shelhav’s unique method for assisting babies in achieving specific developmental milestones at the appropriate time, including physical skills, language, social skills, emotional attunement, and cognitive development.
A baby’s natural curiosity and innate desire to learn is stimulated through movements, games, and toys. Methods of touch provide the deep stimulation a baby needs to sense parts of their body, creating the awareness required for mastering motor skills, balance, and coordination.
About the Author
Chava Shelhav has studied child development and worked with children and babies for more than 30 years. She was a student and assistant of Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais and is currently recognized for her exceptional skills with clients of all ages, and as a gifted trainer of teachers in the Feldenkrais Method.Dr. Shelhav has a Ph.D. from the University of Heidelberg in the Departments of Sociology and Life Sciences (1998) and a Master’s degree from Boston University (1985). Her master’s thesis, “Working with Brain Damaged Children Using the Feldenkrais Method,” and her Ph.D. thesis, “Movement as a Learning Model” reflect her interest in children’s learning. She has presented her work with babies at international conferences, collaborated in the late Professor Esther Thelen’s research in infant motor development and is the founder of Child Space. |