Lots of fascinating questions … only right answers!
This diverse collection of interesting activities is suitable for Feldenkrais practitioners and students at all stages of the learning journey. Like ATM lessons, they can be revisited many times to give new and different insights.
Produced in a large print, flat opening format, the book is ideal for sharing with your colleagues. The activities are designed so that they can be adapted to fit the time and number of people available. Many are suitable for doing on your own, or with friends and clients.
Although you will have a unique learning outcome with each one, the activities have been loosely divided into the following groups:
- Introductions
- Awareness Through Movement
- Differentiating and Integrating
- Discussing
- Functional Integration
- Observing
- Reading
- Sensing
- Supporting
Each activity includes a brief introduction to the concept, instructions, reflection questions, discussion ideas, and suggestions for integrating your new knowledge.
Click here to view an activity
[PDF ® format [28 KB]
Dimensions 30 x 22 x 1 cm.
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