10 Feldenkrais Lessons for Health and Recovery
Awareness Through Movement® with David Zemach-Bersin and Carol Kress
The ten lessons in this program can help you to develop greater comfort and efficiency in your body by improving your underlying neurological and musculoskeletal organization. They are effective and gentle, suitable for beginners and those recovering from physical setbacks or injuries.
Presented by Feldenkrais® Trainers, Carol Kress and David Zemach-Bersin during a three-day public workshop in New York City in 2018, this set will take you through a series of masterfully curated lessons. Use them individually, or treat yourself to a ‘Feldenkrais Intensive’ by experiencing them in order, within three to five days. As the lessons progress, you will gain a new freedom of movement, reduced dominance of old habitual patterns, an increase in your self-awareness and access to deep layers of emotional and physical insight. Enjoy feeling fresher and lighter as you embark on this journey of somatic learning!